The Best Staircases for Your Child’s Treehouse

A secret spot where your children’s imaginations can flourish, the treehouse in your backyard is probably their favorite retreat. And if you are constantly heading out to the backyard to pass them up snacks and sandwiches, you may be questioning if the fort’s current rope ladder is the safest route to traverse.

Metal Stairsyoung girl blowing bubbles outside of treehouse

For parents looking to make their children’s treehouse a bit safer, a metal staircase is a good idea to consider. Unlike perilous rope ladders and wooden steps that can weaken after a snowy winter, a metal staircase will remain sturdy for years to come.

Spiral Stairs

Both fun to climb and sturdy in design, a spiral staircase will stand up to the harshest of environments while allowing your children’s creativity to soar. Whether they imagine themselves as knights climbing a castle tower or adventures climbing their way through the jungle, the addition of a spiral staircase to their tree house will surely be a welcome one.

With a mesh-style railing and dark green coloring your spiral stairs can even appear to blend into the tree.

Ship Ladders

Another stylish option to consider is a ship ladder. Since these stairs take up little space they are typically used to get to lofts, attics and, of course, the top deck of pirate ships! With metal handrails on each side, your children will be able to get up to and down from their fort with ease as they skirmish with pirates on the grassy seven seas of your backyard. Most ship ladders are made of wood, which is why we recommend taking them down for storage in the winter months.

Although we at Acadia Stairs can’t make it any easier for you to get your children out of their tree fort for dinner, we can make it a lot safer! View our online galleries for some staircase ideas, then contact us by phone at 845-765-8600 to get started on this exciting edition to your backyard tree house.