The Best Treads for Outdoor Staircases

With summer upon us, you’re probably thinking about installing an outdoor staircase. Granted, installing an outdoor staircase is more about function than anything else, but you have to make sure it looks good, too. Once you’ve figured out the shape that you’re looking for, you might be wondering: what would be the best materials to use for this outdoor staircase?

Steel or stainless-steel materialsThe Best Treads for Outdoor Staircases

If you’re going with an outdoor spiral staircase, you’ll want a modern and sleek design. As such, you should probably use steel, aluminum or stainless-steel materials for your tread. Hot dipped galvanized steel and stainless-steel are also extremely durable and rust-resistant, important factors for outdoor staircases that will be exposed to the elements. Smooth plate treads can have an anti-skid spray or grip tape. Diamond plate treads are the most common anti-skid tread. Perforated treads are available in steel and stainless steel and give an open modern look. Bar grating treads are very open but are usually only used in commercial applications.

Wooden treads

Wooden treads are best for outdoor staircases that are more traditional in style. You have plenty of options, though, if you decide to go with wooden treads—mahogany, teak, or ipe are good natural hardwoods for decks and stair treads. Composite decking materials are gaining in popularity due to their anti-skid properties, durability and sustainability, and they also come in many colors and thicknesses to suit nearly any style. If you do use a natural wood tread make sure you don’t choose a wood that’s too soft, as it will need to be treated frequently.

Stone or tile

Another thing to keep in mind when you’re installing an outdoor staircase is durability. If you know that your stairs will experience high foot traffic, you’ll want a hardier tread. Stone, pre-cast concrete, granite or ceramic tile can be used on nearly any outdoor stair. These types of tread also hold up well to all sorts of weather conditions and temperatures. So, rain or shine, your stone or tile treads will be there.

If you’re still not sure which treads are right for your outdoor staircase, then contact Acadia Stairs. Our stair experts can walk you through the process and point you in the right direction. So give us a call at 845-765-8600 to get started.