Connect Your Home With A Ship Ladder

When it comes to the stairs in our home, they serve a very simple purpose: they get us from one floor to the next. However, specific areas in our home could benefit from having another set of stairs put in. Places such as a loft, crawl space or even the bunk beds of your little ones.

Now it isn’t sensible to install a huge set of stairs in to these areas. Instead you would use something more practical, such as a ship ladder.

An Easy ConnectionConnect Your Home With A Ship’s Ladder

If your children have bunk beds, you surely don’t want them climbing their dressers or the bars of the frame of the bed to get up to or off of the top bunk. A ship ladder would not only be a way up, but it would be safe as many come with handle grips or railings on the side to ensure they get up and down safely.

For those of us with lofts or crawl spaces, we typically have to go to certain area of the house to climb up to them. A ship ladder could essentially work as a shortcut because it would reduce how far you would have to carry something from the loft or crawl space.

This would also connect your home in new ways as well as make your life a whole lot simpler!

Acadia Stairs offers ship’s ladders of different heights, materials and finishes to coincide with the décor of your home. For more information on these ladders or any of our services, please feel free to contact us today!