Staircase Safety for Kids this Holiday Season

With the holiday season quickly approachClear Clutter from Stairs ing, you’ll likely have plenty of visitors coming in and out of your home. As you are decking the halls, it is important to make sure your house will be safe for young children that visit, especially your staircase.

Below are some pointers on how you can make staircase safe this holiday season.

Use the Buddy System

It is hard to keep track of every person in your home during the holiday season. However, it is important to know where children are and if they are safe in what they are doing.

  • If a toddler has to go up the stairs, make sure someone is there to hold their hand as they walk up and down them.
  • If there is an older child in the group that you can count on, make it their job to assist younger children with the stairs. The older child will love having a responsibility and it will keep them occupied as well.

Clear Stairs of Clutter

All of us are guilty of carrying things upstairs and getting distracted and setting them down to carry up the stairs later. From laundry to shoes, we often place belongings our stairs. Although we are aware of what clutter is there and where we need to step, children are not going to notice that or know to avoid it.

  • Make sure your stairs are completely free of clutter before visitors arrive. It will not only make it safer, but it will make your house appear much tidier.

You want people looking at your beautiful staircase, not the clutter on it.

Teach Children How to Be Safe

Gather all of the children when the party is beginning and teach them how to safely use the stairs. Show them how to use the handrail and explain why they should be hanging onto it.

  • Although it can be tempting to decorate handrails, don’t use decorations that might make it difficult to hold onto the rail.
  • Offer to help children carry anything that they might need to take up or down the stairs, such as dolls or blankets, so they don’t trip over it.
  • Teach them that the stairs are meant for walking up and down, not for jumping or running.

Purchase Baby Gates

If you have young children that are just starting to walk and wobble, consider installing baby gates at the top and the bottom of the staircase.

  • Baby gates will ensure that children do not get up or down the stairs without the assistance of someone else.
  • Baby gates now come in all kinds of woods and colors and can actually appear very decorative.

The best thing about most baby gates is they can be easily removed when no longer needed, so you can get back the modern open look of your contemporary stairs.

These suggestions will make your staircase safe for the children in your life this holiday season. You’ll be able to enjoy your holiday much more knowing that everyone in your home is safe and sound.

Looking to get a staircase installed as a gift to yourself this holiday season? Let Acadia Stairs take care of it.